Sustainable Development in Malaysia


This course introduces students to sustainability and sustainable development by examining the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, this course will help students understand the environmental, social and economic challenges faced by Malaysia and how to overcome these challenges.

Credit Value

2 credits

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Discuss the relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals to Malaysia.
  • Evaluate current issues and their implications related to the Sustainable Development Goals in terms of local and national contexts.
  • Create a positive social impact project related to selected Sustainable Development Goals.

Course creator: Juliana Jelani (CGS)



Kursus ini membincangkan ilmu ketamadunan yang meliputi pengenalan ilmu ketamadunan, perkembangan dan interaksi ketamadunan dalam Tamadun Islam, Melayu, Cina, India, serta  isu ketamadunan kontemporari dalam Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia. Kursus ini  bertujuan memberi kefahaman mengenai setiap elemen tersebut dan implikasinya terhadap  proses   pembangunan negara. Selain itu, perbincangan dan perbahasan dalam kursus ini turut berperanan dalam usaha melahirkan pelajar yang mengetahui warisan sejarah negara, memupuk nilai murni, mempunyai jati diri kebangsaan dan menghargai kepelbagaian.


3 jam kredit


Pada akhir pembelajaran kursus ini, pelajar akan dapat:

·       Menghuraikan peranan nilai ketamadunan dalam pembentukan sistem nilai masyarakat Malaysia.

·       Mempamerkan kebolehan komunikasi sosial dalam kepelbagaian landskap budaya.

.       Membahaskan elemen ketamadunan dengan isu kemasyarakatan semasa.

Hubungan Etnik


Kursus ini membincangkan konsep asas, latar belakang dan realiti sosial masa kini hubungan etnik di Malaysia dari perspektif kesepaduan sosial. Tujuan kursus ini ialah memberikan kesedaran dan penghayatan dalam mengurus kepelbagaian ke arah pengukuhan negara bangsa. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran akan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pembelajaran berasaskan pengalaman melalui aktiviti individu, berpasukan dan semangat kesukarelaan. Pada akhir kursus ini, pelajar diharapkan dapat mengamalkan nilai-nilai murni, mempunyai jati diri kebangsaan dan menerima kepelbagaian sosio-budaya etnik di Malaysia.

Nilai Kredit

3 kredit

Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus

Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar boleh:

·       Menghuraikan isu dan cabaran dalam konteks hubungan etnik di Malaysia

·       Menilai kepentingan jati diri kebangsaan dan kesukarelaan dalam pelbagai konteks ke arah mewujudkan warganegara yang bertanggungjawab

·       Membina dan memupuk hubungan dan interaksi sosial pelbagai etnik

Course creator: Juliana Jelani (CGS)

Media and Community


This course equips students with knowledge on the different forms of media, as well as their functions and power. Students will learn to analyse how media impacts social aspects (including lifestyle and culture) of Malaysia. Key trends in the uses of media as well as related issues will also be discussed. In addition, students will have the opportunity to develop and carry out a plan to create a positive impact on any sector of the Malaysian community through a selected media.

Credit Value

2 credits

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

·       Explain the functions, power and issues related to different types of media.

·       Analyse how media impacts the community in Malaysia.

·       Develop and carry out a plan on how to create a positive social impact on Malaysian community through a selected media.

Communication Skills


This course offers a comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals of communication skills that are essential in daily life. It covers a variety of communication principles, approaches as well as skills which aims to prepare students to communicate in a variety of personal and professional contexts. The course is structured in a manner that gives coordinated attention to the development of communication skills to improve one’s ability to communicate to a wider audience on a variety of topics using different communicative strategies.

Credit Value

3 credits

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

·        Identify verbal and nonverbal communication techniques

         Apply persuasive communication skills

         Analyse communication issues in different cultural contexts