DET4113 Water Quality Technology and Monitoring

The course includes fundamental design and operation of water and wastewater treatment systems. The topics include analysis of water and wastewater characteristics, water quality and system design conforming to regulatory requirements, as well as related physical, chemical, and biological concepts on water and wastewater treatment methods.


This is an introductory course which exposes students to the environmental related technology environment before taking the other courses. This course provides the students without a technical background an opportunity to explore the broad field of environmental technology. This course covers the emergence and development of environmental technology in Malaysia as well as the current trends of application of environmental related technologies in different industries.

BET2213 Environmental Microbiology

This subject emphasizes on the basic concepts of microbiology. Topics taught cover the structures, physical and physiological properties of bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa. The subject also provides students about the significance of microbes in environment including in soil, biogeochemical cycles and water resources.  Several key topics such as application of microbes in environment will also be discussed.