DBM1109 Macroeconomics

This course is comprised of the following macroeconomics aspect: National Income, National Income Determination, Banking And Monetary Policy Inflation and Unemployment, and International Trade This course is comprised of the following macroeconomics aspect:National Income, National Income Determination, Banking And Monetary Policy Inflation and Unemployment, and International Trade

Course creator: Kok Kiang Tan (FBM)

1013 Principles of Management

This course discusses the concepts, theories, and techniques of modern management which are important in management discipline.

DBM2013 Business Communication

This course is designed to increase student’s awareness level of the functions and importance of effective communication in the business arena. This course focuses on the application of communication principles in achieving organizational goals. Special emphasis is placed on developing writing and speaking proficiency

DBM1023 Business Mathematics

Business Mathematics is a compulsory course for students intending to pursue a diploma program in Business and Management. The study of Business Mathematics is about solving standard mathematical problems encountered routinely in business life. This Business Mathematics syllabus provides a framework that encourages students to identify, understand and perform standard business calculations.

DBM1033 Computer Applications

The aim of this subject is to provide understanding of computer, information technology and application of computers software. Areas of instruction include integration of word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software as well as use of emerging web technologies